An open letter to MPs – Immigration Bill debate today

Dear Member of Parliament,
I am writing to all MPs listed to speak during today’s debate of the Immigration Bill in the House of Commons today.
Thank you for your scrutiny of this Bill. As we leave the European Union, important decisions about our immigration system need to be made. Detention Action believes that fairness, dignity and respect for private and family life need to be at the heart of our new system.
The Bill will bring many millions more people within the ambit of immigration enforcement. For that reason and to ensure that rights protections are levelled up and not levelled down we urge parliamentarians to:
- Enact a strict 28 day statutory time limit on immigration detention, as per the cross party amendment tabled to the 2019 Immigration Bill
- Bring legal aid for Article 8 (private and family life) immigration cases back within the scope of legal aid
- Reform the law on deportation, so that those who were brought to the UK as young children, or who have lived here for decades and have families of their own, are not made automatically subject to deportation if they serve a 12 month custodial sentence.
Please see Detention Action’s briefing on these important matters here.
Please do not hesitate to be in touch if Detention Action can provide any further assistance.
Kindest regards,
Bella Sankey
Detention Action